New Scholarships Available for Global Change Makers!
The Center for Global Business is proud to announce that it is now accepting applications for Global Change Maker Scholarships of up to $5,000 to support students in the pursuit of international experience.
It’s no secret that experiential learning is an important way for students to gain valuable skills and access professional opportunities, and this is even more true for students planning a global career. Participants in study abroad and global internships gain exposure to new behaviors and systems and learn to meet expectations of faculty and employers under new conditions, while increasing their flexibility and adaptability. For many students, these are life-changing opportunities. That’s why experiential learning abroad is a requirement for the most intensive international business credentials at McCombs — our International Business major and Global Management minor.
Unfortunately, these opportunities are not equally available to all students. Both are expensive due to the added cost of travel. International internships carry an additional opportunity cost — work visa restrictions prevent students from being paid for work they do abroad, unlike their peers working domestically.
As a result, students without financial means may be shut out of these important opportunities, despite their academic qualifications and interest in International Business degree programs. Financial support can make the difference in a student’s ability to fully experience an International Business education.
The Center for Global Business is constantly looking for ways to ensure access to experiential learning abroad for all our students. We’re proud to introduce offerings that facilitate this access and invite our supporters to join this effort.