Planning for a Near Normal Next Fall
As students of global business know all too well, the world never stops changing. Happily, sometimes those changes bring you closer to home, because on March 11th President Jay Hartzell made the call that “it’s time for us to begin planning our transition to what we hope will be a near normal fall.”
As president Hartzell continued “In general, we expect the fall 2021 semester to look more like the fall 2019 semester than the fall 2020 semester.” And with those words, the UT community began looking to the future with a renewed sense of purpose, looking forward to more change and the opportunity to come together once again on the 40 Acres.
Although many questions still remain, the drive to create the best possible experience for each other this semester and the next still unites UT with a common purpose.
To review President Hartzell’s full statement click here.