Why Mentorship is so Important
In honor of National Mentorship month, CGB Board Advisor, Scott Finkelstein traces much of his own career success back to the guidance he received early on from mentors. In this enlightening account, he explores the significant role mentors have played in shaping his professional journey and the invaluable impact mentorship can have on careers at any stage
I have been blessed with mentors throughout my life, in my personal and professional endeavors. I admit, my biggest regret was that when I was a teenager, and through my 20s I did not realize who my mentors where. Consequently, I did not fully take advantage beyond my willingness of curiosity and always seeking knowledge from others. I can as a man of 50+ look back and see who they were, how they helped and more.
Mentorship for me is simply having a person(s) that keeps me centered, gives me strength to take risk and helps me see the forest through the trees. Oh, and a great mentor knows when, and is not afraid to put a foot up my ass too! As a mentor I take to heart this is the most important way I give back to all those who gave to me. I seek to put myself in positions and organizations where others will seek mentorship from me. I want to be easy to find for those seeking, A mentor guides, coaches and slightly teaches too. A mentor needs to be careful in not becoming the teacher. That is not our role. We should be inquisitive. A well-placed question guides our mentees to the answers they seek and they take ownership because they come up with the answer. This is most important of all that we do. They must come up with the answers themselves; yes, with our guidance and through the experiences and opinions we share.
As a mentee, and I am one now at 52 years old. I seek mentorship in all I do. I have various mentors for different aspects of business, health, spirituality, relationships and more. I need to go into each mentor “meeting” with an open mind. Yes, I fight for my ideas and beliefs, my vision. Yet, at the same time I am open to my Mentor’s thoughts, questions and analysis. I may not follow every piece of advice, but even then, it strengthens my resolve and beliefs because I 100% take it into account before I proceed.
I would not have the success I am blessed to achieve without mentors on my road, and continually having them in my life.